& other volunteer opportunities
Join one of the largest pro bono programs in Chicago!
Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights created Pro Bono Works to aid in its mission to:
Provide legal aid to individuals filing civil rights lawsuits
Assist businesses and nonprofits in communities of color in (non-litigation) legal matters.
Pro Bono Works:
Offers volunteer attorneys a rich variety of pro bono opportunities, including the greatest volume of transactional opportunities in Chicago.
Connects attorneys in law firms of all sizes and corporate legal departments with:
individual clients
small businesses
nonprofit organizations
community-based groups
Provides pro bono legal support worth more than $7.5 million annually to Chicago Lawyers’ Committee, our clients, and our local communities.
To learn more about Pro Bono Works or to request training for pro bono attorneys at your firm or corporation, please contact:
Amy Cook and Angela Dear
acook@clccrul.org | adear@clccrul.org
Help us advocate for justice, equity, and fair policy.
In addition to the transactional work coordinated by the Pro Bono Works Program, volunteers with Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights can also help with:
Other types of legal service or advice
Research and drafting
Community education programs
Legal Assistance
Legal aid to strengthen community economic development:
Direct representation of nonprofits, small businesses, and entrepreneurs that are located in or primarily serve communities of color.
Brief legal consultations to small businesses and social entrepreneurs at neighborhood offices, small business development centers or neighborhood chambers of commerce, or customized legal clinics.
Our transactional pro bono list provides opportunities for attorneys with corporate, tax, real estate, finance, employment, and intellectual property practices.
SETTLEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM for pro se parties in federal court settlement proceedings on civil rights claims.
Direct representation of individual clients in administrative and court proceedings in a variety of civil rights matters, including housing discrimination, racial discrimination of students in school discipline and other education-related cases, and civil hate crime complaints.
Civil rights impact litigation on behalf of community organizations.
Election Protection
Be a part of ELECTION PROTECTION, the nation’s largest non-partisan voter protection coalition on election days by volunteering at the downtown Call Center or monitoring the polls and responding to problems as they arise throughout the region.
Community Education
Conduct community education on civil rights issues, including fair housing, equitable development, voting rights, and education.
Present law workshops for entrepreneurs on entity selection, corporate formation, contracts and negotiation tips.
Draft legal alerts, guides, and publications on topics of interest to small businesses and nonprofits.
CONTACT US for more information.