Our Board of Directors is Recruiting - Here's How to Apply

The Board of Directors of Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights is recruiting new Board members who are passionate about civil rights and racial equity, and willing to offer their time, talents, and resources to advance our mission and organizational success.

Mission: Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights was founded in 1969 as a group of civil rights lawyers and advocates working to secure racial equity and economic opportunity for all.

Vision: Our vision is to root out and dismantle deeply entrenched systems of discrimination, racism, and economic oppression by using the power of the law to give voice to those most impacted by civil rights issues.

Board Composition: Our Board of Directors is currently comprised of 21 members, including lawyers in large, medium, and small firms, along with civic leaders in business, government, and philanthropy. You can see our current board list here.

In our strategic plan and recently revised bylaws, the Board explicitly names racial diversity as a high priority for our Board to be consistent with our mission and values. Board members are elected for three-year terms, with one renewable term (total of six years).

About Our Work: Our 22-member staff team includes lawyers, advocates, and specialists in communications, development, finance, and operations. We work closely with community partners to identify and advance their social justice goals and priorities. Our core areas of advocacy are:

  • Voting Rights

  • Education Equity

  • Equitable Community Development & Housing

We also have a robust pro bono program that includes a broad range of volunteer opportunities for lawyers to provide transactional legal assistance to small businesses and nonprofits, settlement assistance to parties without counsel in federal court proceedings, election protection activities, co-counseling in impact litigation cases, and policy support in our core advocacy areas.


For more information, contact Bonnie Allen at ballen@clccrul.org.


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