Chicago Lawyers’ Committee Says a Fond Farewill to Timna Axel!

Friday, March 18, 2022: Today, Chicago Lawyers’ Committee says a fond farewell to Timna Axel, our fabulous Communications Director, who is moving on to an exciting new role at Earthjustice after spending almost six years developing and then leading our media relations, communications strategy, social media efforts, while also supporting our advocacy and administrative teams in countless important tasks that went way beyond her job description. Timna brought her positive energy and can-do spirit to work every day, rallied her colleagues during the long months of COVID by leading weekly team meetings, replete with iconic icebreakers, games, and virtual workouts, and imbued our office with her kindness and wit. She was a key player in many of our Election Protection efforts, not only crafting our messaging, but volunteering in poll-watching activities on multiple occasions. With a deep understanding of our mission, she helped prep our advocates for radio and television interviews, anticipated questions and developed thoughtful talking points that helped us gain a greater audience and spread the word about our work and our efforts to promote racial justice and economic opportunity.  Good-bye, Timna. It’s going to be tough to fill your Timberland boots!


Racial Equity Concerns with Vote Center Proposals


Indiana’s HB 1116 Takes One Step Forward, One Step Back for Voting Rights